Built in the Gothic style with twin spires 175ft in height “between”1933 – 1941, designed by French architects. The stained glass windows, made in France, overlooking the apse, showing the Birth of Christ, the Last Supper and The crucifixion of Christ are works of art. It is one of the largest churches in India.
Visiting hours from 5.00am to 6.00pm all the days entrance free.


Situated close to Mysore Railway Station, Mysore City, Opposite to CFTRI

The museum exhibits the luxury coach used by the Mysore Royal Family and locomotive steam engines dating back to the 19th century. This museum is first of its kind in India and was built in the year 1979. The Maharani’s Saloon carriage that boasts of a kitchen, dining car unit and a royal toilet dating back to 1899 is indeed worth watching. There is also a battery operated mini-train providing a ride.

 This museum is open from 8.30am to 6.30pm and has a nominal entry fees. Monday Holiday.