Portrait of Tipu Sultan once owned by Richard ...Image via Wikipedia

1) Located 12 kms north east of Mysore, this island town is embraced by two branches of the Cauvery River. Sri Ranganatha Swamy Temple originally built in the 9th century is located within the fort. Dedicated to an avatar of Lord Vishnu after whom the town is named, the inner hall of this wonderful temple is the most impressive. Supported by massive pillars, it offers a clear view of the reclining deity in the sanctum. The deity is a magnificent figure, reclining on a seven headed serpent. Fortress in the River Kaveri was in the 18th century, the capital of the warrior kings Haider Ali and Tippu Sultan. Though an important pilgrim place for Hindus, Srirangapatana is basically a cosmopolitan tourist town known for temples, mosques, churches and Jain basadis. Ranganatha temple is the centre of attraction in Srirangapatna. Built by Ganga Chieftain Tirumalaiah,Sri Ranganatha temple was in charge of the various dynastic rulers in history. Hence the temple design is a mix of Hoysala and Vijayanagar architectural styles. Near Tipu palace is the European style church, built by the French ascetic missionary Abbe Dubois.

3 kms form Srirangapatna bus stop is the Sangam, where the tributaries of River Cauvery converge. While returning from the Sangam, you can take a little deviation to visit the scenic Goshai Ghat. Goddess Nimishamba Devi’s shrine is nearby the Location. People throng to get her blessing Every Tuesday and Friday.
This was built in the year1784 is an Indo Saracenic structure and is also known as Tippu’s summer palace. Presently Daria Doulath Bagh is converted into a Museum With items that were used by Tippu Sultan and the objects used by him during his losing battle against the British.

This Bird Sanctuary is located about 5 kms from Srirangapattna 16kms from Mysore. This sanctuary comprises a group of six islets on River Cauvery and is a heaven for birds owing to its abundance of insects and fish. Great interest to all bird lovers and is a nesting and breeding centre for birds. Though the number of species of birds listed here exceeds 110 few are more common and easily identifiable. As a leading Heronry, this sanctuary is well visited by birds of the Heron family, viz, the Grey Heron and Purple Heron which are slender birds of about 3ft with pointed bills and bear the colors of their name. The Spoonbill is also a white bird and its clear identity is the long black bill with flat rounded tip shaped like spoon. The most colorful bird is the Painted stork. The season to visit the Sanctuary is from June to October. Boating facilities are available on payment.